We consider occlusal, bone and tissue presentation to help steer design, material choice and engineering to achieve the best individualized result. We are dental implant specialists
Mistakes in implant dentistry are very costly and we minimize mistakes through good communication.
Communication is essential to great implant dentistry
Being involved in the planning for implant placement helps optimize final restoration much like an architect being involved with the foundation planning of a building, it is essential for the best result. For planning and surgical guides…we’ve got you covered.
After integration the design considerations are based on the tissue and occlusal presentation along with esthetic desires. These considerations always lead us to the best material.
The cornerstone for support is great communication and we are always encouraging our Dr’s to let us know their thoughts, expectations and goals for each case. We are not comfortable making assumptions and will always call seeking clarity whenever needed to minimize mistakes.
The goal is always to apply Planning, Design and Support to achieve natural looking and functional tooth replacement.
Make us part of you Implant Restorative Team and see the difference.
We support all implant systems and all digital implant workfows.
Tips for Practice Success Video - Coming Soon
With thousands of Implant products and parts in the marketplace it can be a daunting task to identify them all. Download the Preat App today to submit a dental implant or prosthetic component for identification from your smartphone.